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Animal Wellbeing

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Human-grade pain relief for improved animal wellbeing min read

Tim Leeming and his family are passionate about raising happy, healthy and productive sheep that don’t suffer any pain. To this end, the Leeming family introduced human-grade pain relief for animal husbandry procedures around five years ago.

Having ceased mulesing 26 years ago, the logical next step was to introduce pain relief to alleviate any suffering during necessary animal health procedures.


Animal wellbeing a priority

In addition to providing pain relief, Tim and his family strive to ensure their animals live as stress-free as possible, with access to plenty of nutritious feed. But there are times when you cannot avoid stress on the body and for the ewes, giving birth (or lambing) is one of those times. Knowing that, Tim has established ‘nursery’ paddocks on the farm for the pregnant ewes and their lambs. These sheltered areas provide the privacy, protection and extra nutrition the ewes need. Investing in these nurseries has resulted in some of the best wellbeing outcomes for the ewes and lambs.


Maintaining and enhancing landscape

The privilege of living in beautiful green undulating redgum country in South Western Victoria is not lost on the Leeming family. They work hard to maintain and enhance the landscape whilst also increasing biodiversity through strategies such as planting trees and fencing off waterways.
With over 30km of waterway frontage on the farm, fencing creeks and rivers to keep stock out and ensuring paddocks are covered in pastures to increase water infiltration and reduce sediment runoff leads to water quality actually improving by the time it leaves the property.

Changing attitudes and practices

Growing up in rural Victoria Tim recalls a time when driving into town meant driving past barren paddocks and sparse vegetation. Now native trees and vegetation are thriving in an enhanced and vastly improved landscape thanks to farmers like Tim in the region. Something he believes we should all be proud of.


Viability, biodiversity and efficiency

While animal wellbeing and protecting the natural environment are priorities, the Leeming family know that if you're not profitable, you can’t afford to do all the good things. Their vision is to continue to build a property and business that is financially viable and efficient while simultaneously improving the land and achieving world-leading animal wellbeing results.

Whether it's your pet cat for your dog, you do not want them to suffer pain. We have the same attitude.

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Tim Leeming Paradoo Prime