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Meet the Australian farmers making a positive difference to the environment

Australian farmers are adopting a range of sustainability initiatives to reduce emissions and help the planet.

From investing in renewable energy to planting trees in the interests of environmental restoration, producers all around the country are making positive difference to the planet. This is how they’re doing it….

We are stewards of the land

First-generation farmers Adam and Jacynta Coffey show how environmental responsibility goes hand-in-hand with productivity.


Our legacy will be ecological restoration

Stuart Austin is proud to be restoring the ecological health of his farm.


We’re taking carbon out of the atmosphere

Jason Shearer-Smith explains how cattle can be used to make a significant, positive environmental difference.


We aim to go beyond just being carbon neutral

Erica Halliday explains how by turning their farm into a ‘carbon sink’, they can deliver benefits to the environment.


We’re part of the climate solution

Darren Hamblin reveals how the environment is a top consideration on his wagyu property.


Sustainability is one of our core values

Discover how the Smithfield Cattle Company is investing in renewable energy.


We’re sequestering more carbon dioxide into our soils

Stuart Austin’s environment-focused approach to raising livestock is taking CO2 from the atmosphere.


We have to consider the health of our environment

Hear how Melinee Leather is reducing greenhouse gas emissions from her cattle.


The land is teeming with life above and below the soil

On the Ben Nevis Angus farm, regenerative farming is paying environmental dividends.


We’re farming for the future

Barb Madden talks about the importance of leaving a legacy for future generations by improving the land and the environment.


We’ve planted 25,000 trees

See how reforestation activities are making a difference for Wilmot Cattle Company.


Livestock are part of the climate solution

Melinee Leather explains how rotating livestock and resting paddocks regenerates pastures and supports the natural carbon cycle.


We aim to go beyond just being carbon neutral

Erica Halliday explains how by turning their farm into a ‘carbon sink’, they can deliver benefits to the environment.


We have to look after our biggest resource – our land

Stuart Tait explains why caring for the land is his number one priority.


We’ve now got amazing biodiversity

Getting native trees and grasses back on Jenny and Paul O’Sullivan’s farm has made a positive difference.


We’re passionate about the environment 

Planting 6000 trees has transformed the water quality and biodiversity of Deb and Fergus O’Connor’s farm.


Reducing carbon emissions is really important for us

Hear how the Stu and Erica Halliday believe their animals can be part of the climate solution.


We’ve created a natural ecosystem

Paul Crook explains how, on their family farm, they are able to take more carbon out of the atmosphere than they produce.


We want to have something we can pass on

Enoch Bergman talks about managing the land and environment for long-term sustainability.


Intro background

Farmers care for the animals

Australian farmers personally care for their animals and work tirelessly to ensure they are healthy and happy.

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